Love Live Holistically – A concept of Self, this book has top ranking on google search under my name:   Dr Angela Scott.

Love aims to alert you to ways of looking after your Mind, Body and Soul, as care of one or two parts of our make up leaves us deficient in care of the whole.

To love live holistically is to ensure that our whole being (Mind, Body and Soul) and the way we live our life is a portrayal of love.

This book discussed our make up, that is, our mind, body and soul. It made attempts to alert us to the benefit of holistic care.

What makes you happy?

This book looks at some of the teachings from Aristotle to modern day psychologists, on how to become and remain happy in an ever changing world. Many of you had sent me messages of 'what made you happy' and this is included in the book.

Happy reading! Check it out on Amazon:  Or buy Now from this website.

Thanks to all of you who took up my offer of the FREE 5 day manifesting Course and for letting me know what you manifested.  Start Manifesting Today:

I have created a Journal with over 100 affirmations, to complement the Course, however can be used alone. This Journal will enable you to think positive at the start of your day, log your hoped for wish (putting it out there), reminds you to think of your days' affirmation throughout the day and to log your gratitude at the end of the day. 

Or pick up your copy from Amazon

Lena Body is a guide to a spiritually leaner body. The life of Ms Lena Body has enabled us to look at how we treat and use our body, from our feet to the top of our head. This book takes an alternative look at the body, with questions like, where does your mind take you? It looks at what you hear, see, say, put your hands and arms to. Where your nose and feet take you. Who or what you allow in your private space and what is absorbed without you being aware. This book aims to spiritually strengthen your body. 

We meet Lena Body a thirty year old woman who was born into a loving, financial stable family, her teenage years was filled with fun, and an introduction to alcohol. Lena had to reach rock bottom in-order to clean up, and throw out everything that did not serve her. 

Available on Amazon 

Kindle :

The Exhorted Soul – encourages you to put your soul to work to create the life you want. A new concept for those who believe that the soul is a separate entity, that is only felt when something ‘touches’ it, like a sweet childs’ song or when someone goes above and beyond their duty of care and love, to do something nice to or for you. Ultimately floating off back to the ‘heavens’ when the last breath is taken. The Exhorted Soul alerts you to the fact that the Soul has many more functions, and can work, produce, and make your life exponentially better. 

Check out 'What do you do for a living' on Kindle

This book looks at what you do for a living, using my  journey from being a  single mother at 17. My life and circumstances led me to being evicted from homes, enduring domestic violence to gaining an Honours degree in Psychology. I went on to study a Masters in Counselling psychology and PhD, right up until today where I am living my passion helping others to find and follow their passion regardless of what life has thrown at them. or PaperBack

SELF=YOU SELF=YOU is an insight into the many selves we project to the world, and the secret self we show no-one. SELF=YOU will give you an insight into YOU. This book may be daunting for some as it may open old wounds. For others, it will put a spot light on some of the people they keep close to them. This book is also available on Amazon Kindle SELF=YOU  

This book is a mini guide to Finding your Passion, (A chronological look at finding and following your passion)

Available on Amazon Kindle for £1.99

I have written several books and would like to help you write that book. It is as easy as dictating your chapters and we will write them up for you, to working together to get that book written...Either way you will end up with that book you have always wanted to write...

Check out my Author page:

Contact me to discuss your options.

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